Privacy Policy


This Privacy Policy outlines the management of personal information provided to or collected by Padea Education Pty Ltd ("Padea") and provides contact information and instructions for privacy concerns.

Padea is obligated to comply with the Australian Privacy Principles as stipulated in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).


Padea collects and holds various types of personal information from you based on the nature of your interaction with us. This includes, but is not limited to, personal information about:

  1. Students, Parents, and/or guardians ("Parents") during and after a student's enrolment in Padea's Extended Day Study Program

  2. Job applicants, staff members and contractors; and

  3. Other people who come into contact with Padea

The personal information collected by Padea may include names, contact details, and financial information.

Padea only collects sensitive information with the individual's consent and if reasonably necessary for Padea's functions. Sensitive information is a category of personal information that includes information about things like an individual’s health, criminal record, religious beliefs and racial or ethnic origin

In certain cases, Padea may collect personal information as required or authorised by Australian laws, court orders, or tribunal orders. If this is the case, Padea will inform you of the details of the law, court or tribunal order.


Padea generally collects personal information directly from individuals through various means, such as the completion of forms by Parents or students, application forms for prospective staff, face-to-face meetings, interviews, emails, and telephone calls.

2.2   PERSONAL INFORMATION collected from third parties

Padea may also collect personal information about students from their Parent(s) or, in certain circumstances, from third parties, such as medical professionals or references from schools.


Where lawful and feasible, Padea may allow individuals to interact anonymously or use pseudonyms, such as for general inquiries. However, in cases where personal information is required for student enrolment or participation in specific activities, failure to provide the requested information may impact the student's enrolment or participation.

3.    how will padea use the personal information you provide?

Padea utilises your collected personal information for the primary purpose of collection, and typically for other related secondary purposes, which are reasonably expected by individuals or to which they have consented.


Padea's primary purpose of collection regarding personal information of students and Parents is to facilitate the Extended Day Study Program service. This includes meeting the needs of Parents, students, the school, and Padea throughout the student's enrolment. The purposes for collecting, using, holding, and disclosing the personal information of students and Parents include:

  1. day-to-day administration;

  2. ensuring the educational, social, and medical well-being of students and staff; and

  3. conducting marketing activities for Padea.


Padea considers marketing crucial for its future growth and development, as it ensures the provision of a high-quality learning environment for both students and staff. Personal information held by Padea may be disclosed to organisations assisting in Padea's marketing efforts. However, the use of images and names of students and Parents for marketing purposes requires the explicit consent of the School and Parents.


In the context of evaluating applications from prospective staff or contractors, Padea collects and uses personal and sensitive information about candidates. This may include conducting criminal record checks, with the applicant’s consent, to assess suitability for employment or engagement with Padea.


Padea may disclose personal information to various parties, depending on the nature of the interaction of said individuals. For instance, Padea may disclose an individual’s personal information, including sensitive information under specific circumstances, to:

  1. the School;

  2. government departments;

  3. medical practitioners;

  4. Parents;

  5. recipients you authorise Padea to disclose information to;

  6. Padea’s insurers; and

  7. parties to whom information disclosure is required by law.


Padea predominantly stores personal information electronically in our secure servers, databases, and IT systems. Paper records may also be utilised. Padea has implemented measures to protect personal information from misuse, interference, loss, unauthorised access, modification, or disclosure. These measures include secure storage of paper records, password-based access controls for electronic records, and staff obligations to maintain the confidentiality of students' and Parents' personal information and the privacy of individuals.

Padea will retain student and parent personal information for a maximum of three years upon the student exiting our service (for example through cancellation of enrolment at Padea or graduating from our Partner Schools).


In the event of any loss, unauthorised access, or disclosure of personal information likely to result in serious harm, Padea will promptly investigate and notify affected individuals and the Australian Information Commissioner, as required by the Privacy Act.

7.    access and correction of personal information

Individuals have the right to request access to their personal information held by Padea and to request corrections if inaccuracies are identified.

To make such requests, individuals should contact the Director in writing using the provided details below. Padea may require identity verification and specification of the information requested.

While making a request is free of charge, Padea reserves the right to impose a reasonable fee to cover expenses related to locating, retrieving, reviewing, and copying the requested material. The fee will not be excessive, and Padea will advise the likely cost in advance.

Access to information is generally provided unless legal obligations or other relevant laws require withholding the information. If access or correction is refused, Padea will provide written notice explaining the reasons for refusal. Complaint procedures are outlined below for instances where access or correction is denied.


Padea acknowledges the right of Parents to make decisions concerning their child's education. Requests for consent and notices related to a student's personal information will typically be directed to the student's Parents.

Consent granted by Parents will be considered as consent on behalf of the student, and notices to Parents will be deemed as notices to the student. Parents may request access to personal information held by Padea about themselves or their child by contacting the Director (see details below). However, access may be denied in cases where it unreasonably impacts the privacy of others or breaches Padea's duty of care to the student.

Padea may, at its discretion, grant a student access, on the request of that student, to their information or allow them to provide or withhold consent independently if their maturity or personal circumstances warrant such action.

9.    enquiries and complaints

For further information regarding Padea's management of personal information or to lodge a complaint alleging a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles, please contact:

61 491 101 588
22 Alderley Avenue, Brisbane QLD 4051

Padea will investigate any complaints received and respond in a timely manner, aiming to provide a response within 10 working days. If this is not feasible, Padea will notify the complainant of the expected response time. Notice of the decision made regarding the complaint will be provided as soon as practicable.

If unsatisfied with Padea's response, you may refer your complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (in writing):

Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC)
GPY Box 5218
Sydney NSW 1042
Phone: 1300 363 992
TTY: 133 677 then ask for 1300 363 992


Padea's website may contain links or references to other websites that are not governed by this Privacy Policy. You are advised to review the privacy policies of those websites before using them, assessing their acceptability.


Padea acknowledges that periodic review and updates of this document may be necessary to align with emerging laws, technological advancements, and modifications to Padea's operations and practices, and to ensure its continued suitability within the evolving School environment.



  1. Padea Education Pty Ltd (“Padea”) collects personal information, including sensitive information about students and Parents or guardians before and during the course of a student's enrolment in Padea’s Extended Day Study Program.

  2. Padea collects personal information through various channels, including the submission of documents and forms, written notes, and conversations with academic, pastoral, or administrative staff. In some instances, Padea may obtain personal information from third parties, such as medical professionals.

  3. The primary purpose of collecting this information is to enable Padea to facilitate the Extended Day Study Program service, including meeting the needs of Parents, students, the School, and Padea throughout the student's enrolment.

  4. The information referred to above may be required to ensure successful enrolment or continued enrolment of the student and participation in specific activities.

  5. On certain occasions, Padea may publish information regarding academic achievements as well as photographs capturing student activities in newsletters and on the website. However, the use of information and images of students for these purposes requires the explicit consent from the School and parents.

  6. Padea may disclose personal and sensitive information to authorised entities listed in our privacy policy for administrative and educational purposes. This includes disclosure to government departments, medical practitioners, and service providers associated with Padea.

  7. Padea may disclose your personal information to technology service providers located overseas, and personal information may be stored in the 'cloud,' which may involve servers situated outside Australia.

  8. Padea’s Privacy Policy, available on Padea’s website, provides further details on:

    1. how you may seek access to or correction of personal information collected about you; and

    2. the procedure for raising complaints about the management of your personal information by Padea.

  9. For any inquiries or concerns, please contact us at:

    22 Alderley Avenue Alderley QLD 4051
    P +61 4 9110 1688


This section of the Standard Information Collection Notice applies specifically to the collection of personal information relating to the employment or engagement process.

  1. In applying for a position, you will be providing Padea Education Pty Ltd (“Padea”) with personal information. We can be contacted at:

    22 Alderley Avenue Alderley QLD 4051
    P +61 4 9110 1588

  2. Padea may also collect your personal information from third parties, such as previous employers or nominated referees, and publicly available sources.

  3. If it is relevant to the role you are applying for, we may also collect sensitive information from you, such as medical information and criminal history. This information will only be collected with your explicit consent. The collection of criminal record information is necessary for assessing your suitability for employment or engagement at Padea.

  4. Failure to provide us with the requested personal information may hinder the progress of your application.

  5. If your application is unsuccessful, we may retain your information on file for up to 12 months to consider you for future positions that may arise.

  6. If you submit an unsolicited resume we may keep your information on file for up to 12 months in case a position becomes available.

  7. Padea may disclose your personal information to referees and also to third-party suppliers that are used to help with our recruitment processes.

  8. Padea may be required to conduct blue card screening through the Department of Justice and Attorney-General under the Child Protection Act 1999 (Qld).

  9. Padea may disclose your personal information to technology service providers located overseas, and personal information may be stored in the 'cloud,' which may involve servers situated outside Australia.

  10. Padea generally does not disclose criminal record check information of its staff to third parties, except as required by Schools, law and in accordance with our obligations to service providers and insurers.

  11. Padea’s Privacy Policy, available in Padea’s Privacy and Procedures Library, provides further details on:

    1. how you may seek access to or correction of personal information collected about you; and

    2. the procedure for raising complaints about the management of your personal information by Padea.